Annie Chrissy Burley

September 5th - January 9th

Where are you from? 

Columbus Ohio/Reynoldsburg

What inspired you?

The book of Zachariah Chapter 3 has been my go-to to remember. Recently I’ve found inspiration in the Psalms of Asaph.

What materials do you gravitate towards to create you work?

Multiple materials essentially. Whatever concept or Theme I’m trying to get across. I start by using whatever material leans into the history and/or method that best suits the concept and/or theme. I actually have written a basis for my main materials and why I desire to use them or the purpose of them in my work.

What is your work?

My work uses the aesthetic of animation to explore themes of representation of the image-baring nature of African-American women through my own beliefs. It can be said in so many ways, but it’s still amazing to me how (in what I’m studying) there are connections between Animation, the Representation of African Americans, and Christianity. I once thought I’d be forcefully merging that, but now I’m exploring/expounding that in various ways.

Who do you look up to or look towards for inspiration?

It sounds too obvious for this one (me), but Yahweh.

How do you manage your time?

I don’t know now. I try to be diligent but if I feel convicted about my time management I do my best to straighten that out.

What advise do you have for other creatives?

My heart now, is more burdened with Christian creatives so I’m going to be specific about them right now. I’ve used creating to run from my problems, putting art before spending time with the Lord. But don’t forget the times of refreshing because you’re not as creative as an identity. That’s just your gift and assignment. You’re an image bearer; whatever is on your heart, the Lord knows it’s okay to pause and dialog with him about it.

What is you favorite thing to cook and eat? 

I like baking apple pies.

Where is somewhere in the world you hope to visit? 

Japan, Ice Land, and Jabal Musa.

What does the world need more of right now?

Understanding Romans 5:8 and John 3:16-21.
And so much more.


Visit Annie’s website here to learn and see more!

The CAC’s Artist in Residence program is made possible with support from the Ohio Arts Council.
